Is This the Most Nail-Biting Holiday Ad Ever Made?

German Retailer Otto and Director Daniel Mulloy Deliver a Bolivian Cliffhanger

Published On
Nov 22, 2017

Editor's Pick

Holiday ads come in all shapes and sizes, but very rarely do they make you feel as tense as this one, from German online retailer Otto.

This year, Otto (which has impressed us before with its holiday fare via Heimat Berlin), has engaged RSA director Daniel Mulloy, a BAFTA and Cannes winner this year for the United Nations film "Home," for a film set in the Bolivian altiplano at holiday time. A bus sets off on a vertiginous mountain road but its journey is halted by a landslide, and it sits precariously near the cliff edge. The driver explains what's happened, and reassures a young girl who's scared, but an American tourist who speaks no Spanish gets worried, and aggressive.

It's an incredibly uneasy situation, until the girl breaks out nervously into a rendition of "Feliz Navidad." The passengers come together to celebrate Christmas (although the American still doesn't look totally happy, we reckon) and the spot with the message that Christmas is about coming together.

While we're not too sure what it has to do with the brand, it's a very different and memorable film that's about as far from schmaltzy seasonal advertising as you could get.


Nov 22, 2017
Agency :
Brand :
Client :
Director :
Daniel Mulloy
Production Company :
RSA Films
Production Company :
BigFish Film Production
Production Company :
Executive Producer :
Kai-Lu Hsiung
Executive Producer :
Frank Siegl
Executive Producer :
Dagmar Garber
Producer :
Ulrich Kreis
Producer :
Ben Porter
Director, Photography :
Matyas Erdely
Editor :
Julian Eguiguren
Editor :
Jacob Ipsen
Colorist :
Oisin ODriscoll
Color :
The Mill
Post Production :
Candy Mountain GmbH
Set Photographer :
Francisco Odriozola
Sound Design :
Jon Clarke
Sound Design :
Factory London
Sound Design :
studio Funk Berlin
Music :
Feliz Navidad
Music :
1979 by Jos Feliciano
Interpreter :
Mokoh Music
Agency :
Heimat Berlin
Agency Market Director :
Maik Richter
Creative Director :
Teresa Jung
Account Director :
Vivien Ott
Account Management :
Lena Lehmann
Agency Producer :
Meike Kornrumpf
Chief Creative Officer :
Guido Heffels
Creative Director :
Lars Wohlnick
Copy/Script :
Guido Heffels
Copy/Script :
Daniel Mulloy
Copy/Script :
Lisa Yvonne Heimgartner

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