The two years of data Nielsen is providing now is definitely better than the one year available before, the executive said, especially since that year of data had been affected by the SAG-AFTRA strike, making it hard to use as a basis of comparison.
Nielsen originally proposed using Big Data + Panel data as currency in 2023, before it was MRC accredited but at a time when its panel accreditation had been suspended. But some agencies at the time balked at shifting to the new currency, and when the MRC restored Nielsen accreditation in April 2023, the company shifted gears to endorse the use of the panel data as currency instead, while keeping the option of trading on big data open for those who opted for it.
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Nielsen uses its household panel as the “source of truth” behind Big Data + Panel. Under the methodology described by Doe and other Nielsen executives, Nielsen applies data from cable set-top boxes with return-path data only to panel homes that have such boxes, and smart TV data only to panel homes that have smart TVs.
“By using panels as a source of truth, Nielsen developed robust methods to calibrate big data, assign viewing to the right individuals, and project audience estimates to the entire TV population, not just those in the big data dataset,” Nielsen shared in a statement.
Nielsen’s approach also tends to produce numbers closer to what its panel has historically shown than what rival measurement providers such as VideoAmp, Comscore or show, according to people who’ve reviewed data from multiple providers.
Most of the TV market likely will trade on Nielsen data, be it panel or Big Data + Panel, in the coming upfront, as it has for decades. However, Nielsen remains in a contract standoff with Paramount, which is currently trading primarily on data from rival VideoAmp, translating last year’s upfront commitments written on Nielsen data into VideoAmp measurement. That’s created tensions with some agency buyers, and it remains to be seen if Paramount and Nielsen will come to terms in time for the coming upfront season.