Instacart is giving consumer package goods brands their own landing pages and new shoppable display ads, as the online grocery giant looks to help brands create digital experiences that ultimately translate to sales.
The new pages will let brands drive customers to the site from both on and off Instacart. Advertisers will get a URL it can embed in display ads on Instacart, as well as other sites such as Facebook. Clicking on the ad will take users to the brand landing page where they’ll be able to see products and add them to their cart. Ben and Jerry’s, Breyers, Kidfresh, Klondike, Milton’s Craft Bakers, Talenti and Tillamook will be some of the first brands to pilot the new pages.
Instacart is also offering new, shoppable display ads featuring several items that users can add directly to their cart from the ad. Brands can target consumers based on keywords or shopping behaviors.
“More and more, CPG brands want to drive experiences tied to the point of sale,” said Ryan Mayward, VP of ad sales. “We wanted to offer them a place where they can upload brand imagery, curate a selection of products, drive traffic and complete purchases.”