Remember Terence Kawaja's Display Landscape slide, a visual representation of the hopelessly muddled display-ad ecosystem? Hard to avoid it: Mr. Kawaja says its been viewed 90,000 times in more than 60 countries around the world. But that 's being modest. The guide has become the go-to cheat sheet for the display landscape, ubiquitous in conference presentations, board decks, blog posts and investor kits.
Confused About Online Display, Search, Social, Mobile or Video? Terry Kawaja Has a Chart for You
Since he published it in 2009, the chart has become a calling card for Mr. Kawaja's latest venture, digital media investment bank Luma Partners. But then there was the obvious next question: Why not decode all the other slices of the digital-ad marketplace, all growing more complex by the day?
Well, now Mr. Kawaja has, publishing what he's calling "LUMAscapes" (branding!) for search, video, mobile, social, commerce and -- coming soon -- gaming.
We're publishing them here, along with Mr. Kawaja's disclaimer: "These landscapes are our best representations of complicated sectors and are not perfect (something about the limitations of 8 1/2" x 11" in 2D). We need -- and encourage -- your expert crowdsourcing to improve both the accuracy and usefulness of the charts. We welcome your feedback and will incorporate these comments as we evolve the LUMAscapes."
Did he get it right?