Yahoo has named industry veteran and former Admeld CEO Michael Barrett as its new chief revenue officer, the company announced in a press release this morning. Mr. Barrett will also carry the title of exec VP and will oversee ad sales and operations across the globe.
Yahoo Names Former Admeld CEO Michael Barrett As Chief Revenue Officer
The news was first reported by AllThingsD.
Mr. Barrett has been a sales director at Google since December, when the search giant closed its acquisition of Admeld, the publisher-friendly ad- tech company that Mr. Barrett ran as CEO from 2008 until the Google acquisition.
Mr. Barrett previously held top digital sales positions at Fox Interactive, where he worked with Yahoo interim CEO Ross Levinsohn, as well as AOL and Yahoo. He is widely respected and liked throughout the digital-ad-sales industry.
AllThingsD's Kara Swisher reported that Rich Riley will be reassigned as a result of Mr. Barrett's hiring. Former Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson had named Mr. Riley to the post of exec VP-Americas shortly before the resume scandal broke out.
The hiring of Mr. Barrett provides another signal that it is just a matter of time before the Yahoo board removes the interim tag from Mr. Levinsohn's title, as it's highly unlikely that Mr. Barrett would have come over otherwise.