The corner of “Modern & Main” has become valuable real estate for Doner.
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The slogan reflects the Detroit-based, Stagwell-owned shop’s Main Street vibe and ability to unleash modern marketing tools—such as a data-driven approach—for brands that include McDonald’s, Amazon and Netflix.
While Doner executives didn’t disclose revenue growth, it’s clear that business wins and new work from existing clients have been substantial. Wins in 2021 included Travelocity, Bloomberg and Cue Health. The last promptly queued up a Super Bowl ad project to massively increase the digital COVID-19 test brand’s awareness (ranking second among all ads in the 2022 game at generating search traffic, according to research firm EDO).
Doner also won the Johnson’s Baby and Aveeno Baby brands, promptly launching a new Aveeno campaign to introduce a broader conversation about racial equity while focusing on eczema care. Doner’s Johnson & Johnson business already included Zyrtec and Listerine. Manoj Raghunandanan, J&J’s president of global self-care and consumer experience, in a presentation last October pointed to Doner’s work as a prime example of diverse teams creating diverse work that had an impact on share gains for Tylenol.