ORLANDO, Fla. (AdAge.com)---When Intuit last year tried putting a Facebook "like" button at the end of its Turbo Tax software, only 1% of the 10 million users reached actually clicked.
If that sounds underwhelming, think again, said Seth Greenberg,VP-global media and digital marketing, in a speech at the Association of National Advertisers conference in Orlando Oct. 16.
It turns out that each TurboTax user has 150 Facebook friends. So those 100,000 likers generated 15 million "earned" media impressions. Of those folks, 500,000 clicked on the message from their friends and 100,000 ultimately became new TurboTax consumers, Mr. Greenberg said.
"Social media can be measurable," Mr. Greenberg said. And anyway you cut it, 100,000 new customers from zero paid media isn't a bad return on investment.