In 2019, Monte Deere was negotiating a licensing deal for footwear brand Kizik with Nike. The mergers and acquisition lawyer liked the startup brand so much that he became its CEO—a career move that has led to good things for Deere and Kizik.
Monte Deere leads growth at hands-free footwear brand Kizik
The Utah-based company was founded in 2017 as a “hands-free” footwear brand, using designs that allow people to step into its shoes whose back ends automatically spring up and fit snugly over a wearer’s heel. The shoes originally drew interest from older men who would rather not bend down to put on shoes. But under Deere, Kitzik has widened the footwear's appeal to women and children, while leaning into popular athleisure styles and moving aggressively into e-commerce.
“What we realized is our technology is magic for everyone,” Deere said. Now about 65% of sales are with women. The company expects to end the year with $150 million in total sales, up from about $5 million in 2019, he said.

Kizik holds multiple patents for its hands-free footwear innovations.
While e-commerce fueled Kizik’s rise during the early days of the pandemic, the company is now growing its distribution via placements in Nordstorm and earlier this year opening its first store, in the Salt Lake City area. Kizik’s paid ad strategy includes Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. Its agency is Yard, New York.
Deere is also CEO of Kizik parent company HandsFree Labs, which holds more than 60 patents related to its hands-free innovations. HandsFree Labs licenses the technology to brands including Nike, which in 2019 announced a strategic investment in the company.

Kizik’s new Utah store.
Which entrepreneur do you admire the most and why?
Davis Smith, CEO of Cotopaxi. Why? Tried multiple times before he succeeded; outwardly focused; just recently walked away to do something that is more important to him.
What’s currently on your bedside reading list?
“Good Power” by Ginni Rometty. And “Tom Lake,” a novel by Ann Patchett about a woman who once desired to be an actor but in the end chose instead a more peaceful life of being a cherry farmer in Northern Michigan.
What is the best career advice you’ve gotten?
There is never just one right way to succeed. But you have to get your team unified on a single direction or plan and then focus on that plan without deviating.
Name one brand, other than the one you work for, that you admire.
Faherty, a California vibe apparel company. They are a brand that fits me, both from a style and a literal fit standpoint. I appreciate their retail stores, their email cadence, the content they share—it’s just right for me. And for that reason, they get a lot of my money.
What is your secret weapon for business success?
Dig in hard (check references) to find the best people to build a company with. Then help them focus in a single direction, trust them to do what they’re best at, and empower them to do the work.