Another Bud Light spot in the new "Famous Among Friends" campaign from Wieden & Kennedy will debut in the Super Bowl, in Spanish on the Spanish-language telecast on Fox Deportes.
"Family Friends" adds a Hispanic twist to the campaign's friendship theme, with friends given the status of family. The spot takes place at a party, where a voiceover introduces small groups of people enjoying themselves with a Bud Light as the cousins, the aunts and uncles, the compadres, and so on.
"We know friendship is particularly relevant for Hispanic consumers," said Maria Teresa Garcia-Rosell, senior marketing director for Bud Light at Anheuser-Busch InBev. "We know they like sharing an emotional bond with their friends. Hispanics view their friends as family."
The line that appears on the screen at the end of "Family Friends" is subtly different. The version used in English-language ads in the new "Famous Among Friends" campaign is "You're not just drinking beers, you're building friendships." The campaign's Spanish-language "Family Friends" spot ends with "No solo estas tomando cerveza con amigos, estas tomandola en familia." ("You're not just drinking beer with friends, you're drinking with family.")
The Super Bowl added Spanish-language broadcasts in 2014, but so far the idea of creating Spanish-language ads specifically for the Super Bowl hasn't really caught on among marketers and their agencies.
Anheuser-Busch InBev, which holds exclusive beer advertising rights for the Super Bowl, plans to run three minutes of commercials during the English-language game on Fox, down from three and a half in last year's Super Bowl. That includes a 60-second Bud Light spot, using the ghost of '80s ad icon Spuds MacKenzie.
Ms. Garcia-Rosell, who is originally from Peru, oversees both general market and multicultural advertising for Bud Light.
"We worked with Wieden & Kennedy from the beginning on the new platform for Bud Light," she said. "[The Spanish-language] spot was developed in parallel with the overall campaign."
She said the Spanish-language commercial will run for the next few months, then new spots will be added.