Users who want to own that denim jacket Kim Kardashian West wore in her latest Instagram story can now directly purchase it from her posted content.
And she’s not the only celeb who can help directly sell products on the platform.
Instagram’s “shopping for creators” program, announced Tuesday at Facebook’s F8 developer conference, gives a select group of influencers and celebrities a feature already used by brands: shopping tags on posts. The digital stickers reveal the cost of a product worn in photos, videos or Stories, and then enables users to purchase that item.
In the U.S., users can make those purchases directly through Instagram’s checkout feature, released in March, which keeps a payment in the app rather than redirecting users to a third-party site. Checkout requires that a user enter his or her name, email, billing information and shipping address the first time they choose that option. On top of a product’s price, users are charged a “selling fee.”
As of now, creators can only use shopping tags on original posts, not in paid advertising.
The tags so far are available to some 55 celebs, including Kyle Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Camila Coelho, and Nikita Dragun, and 23 brands, such as Adidas, Dior, H&M, Prada and Zara.
Social platforms have been ramping up their e-commerce options, giving more power to influencers in the hope that it will drive revenue and keep celebs on board.