With the news that Robin Williams died today at 63, remembrances of the beloved actor and comedian are flooding social and mainsteam media. There are countless moments from his career to cherish -- like the "It's not your fault" scene from "Good Will Hunting" -- but one of the sweetest just might be this 30-second commercial for Nintendo's Zelda, in which he stars alongside his daughter Zelda. It was released in 2011.
Per the video's description on the ZeldaUniverseTV channel on YouTube, "Robin Williams is a big Zelda fan -- such a big Zelda fan, in fact, that he named his daughter Zelda. Nintendo recently contacted them to make an ad for Ocarina of Time 3D."
In a rather wonderful AMA (Ask Me Anything) Robin Williams did on Reddit last fall, he gave credit where credit is due when a Redditor wrote, "If it's true that you really named your daughter Zelda from the game series you are a pretty cool guy." Williams' response: "It wasn't actually me, it was my son Zachary who came up with the idea. But once Marsha [his wife from 1989 to 2008] and I heard it, we said it was great."
(Click here for the second Zelda commercial father and daughter did together.)
Simon Dumenco is the "Media Guy" columnist for Advertising Age. You can follow him on Twitter @simondumenco.