A New York Bank Really, Really Loves Trees. Here's Why

A Tree-Centric Art Project Will Appear In TD Bank Windows and at Pop-Up Galleries

Published On
Oct 02, 2014
Art for Trees

Editor's Pick

TD Bank cares about the trees -- or at least that's the message it's trying to communicate with a New York-based art project celebrating them.

Through agency Tierney, the bank commissioned ten fine artists, all with New York City connections, to create an original, tree-themed painting, photograph or sculpture. (Four of the 10 pieces appear in our slideshow above.) Reproductions of the works -- by artists including Federico Herrero (whose work is in the Guggenheim's collection) and photographer Sharon Harper (MoMA, Whitney) -- will go on display this month in the windows of New York's 115 TD Bank branches.

And the ten originals will be shown at three pop-up galleries around the city, starting on Oct. 6 at Grand Central Station. (Details about the other locations and exhibition dates at TDForestsNYC.com.) Proceeds from the sale of those original works will go to MillionTrees NYC, the tree-loving non-profit founded by Bette Midler.

Why is TD Bank so into trees? "Urban forests and green spaces are the core of thriving cities and towns," the TD Forests section of its website explains. "They are the heart of our communities. So that's why we're helping to grow urban forests, now and for future generations."