Zocdoc Lets You 'Escape' the Doctor's Waiting Room with Virtual Reality

Experience a Sunset or Yoga Retreat While You Wait

Published On
Jun 02, 2016

Editor's Pick

If there's one place where you really want to escape to a different reality, it's the doctor's waiting room. So digital health platform Zocdoc created a virtual reality experience specifically for patients waiting for their medical appointments. The idea, conceived by New York agency Office of Baby, shows patients in a New York dental waiting room putting on a headset and being transported to a yoga retreat, a horse pasture, a beautiful sunset and a lily pond.

"Zocdoc is doing tons to make the entire healthcare experience better online, and we really wanted to bring some of that ethos into the real world," said Office of Baby CCO Paul Caiozzo. "We thought it would be nice for people to have a relaxing experience while they were waiting instead of being left to old magazines and pharmaceutical pamphlets."

Zocdoc (which has amused us in the past with its humorous ads) is also celebrating the 30th anniversary of "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" by creating a "sick day excuse generator" to help come up with the perfect note to send to your boss, colleagues, and friends . SickDayExcuse.com will be live from Monday June 6.


Jun 02, 2016
Agency :
Office of Baby
Brand :
Client :
Art Director :
Esai Ramirez
Partner, Chief Creative Officer :
Paul Caiozzo
Partner, Chief Creative Officer :
Nathan Frank
Company :
VRSE Works
Partner :
Patrick Milling Smith
Partner :
Brian Carmody
Partner :
Chris Milk
Director :
Imraan Ismail
Executive Producer :
Tamsin Glasson
Producer :
Lauren Simpson
Sound Director :
Sound Design and Music :
Joseph Fraioli
Editorial Company :
Arcade Edit
Editor :
Chris Angel
Producer :
Gavin Carroll

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