Monteith's Crushed Cider : Sorry About the Twigs Folks

Mmmm. Tastes twiggy.

Published On
Mar 22, 2012

Editor's Pick

Remember that Friends episode when Phoebe finds a thumb in her can of soda? That, plus instances where this has actually happened and caused a lot of chatter, got ColensoBBDO thinking about how they could this for their client, Monteith's which makes apple cider made from fruits, not concentrate.

They stuck a few twigs inside the boxes of cider, and when the customer complaints started pouring in, sat back and waited. A little while later, the company issued an apology: Sorry about the twigs, folks. But that's what happens when the fruit in Monteiths cider comes from a tree, not a can.


Mar 23, 2012
Brand :
Monteith's Crushed Cider
Client :
Monteith's Crushed Cider
Agency :
Chairperson :
Nick Worthington
Art Director :
James Tucker
Copywriter :
Simon Vicars
Creative :
Aaron Turk
Agency Producer :
Sheriden Derby
Photographer :
Simon Harper
Retoucher :
Kevin Hyde
Designer :
Mike Davision

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