This new website creates iPhone passcodes stronger than Kanye West's

Not that it's difficult (but thanks, Telenor)

Published On
Oct 15, 2018

Editor's Pick

Kanye West’s White House visit revealed more than just an aching need for attention. It also let the whole world get a good look at the unlock code to his phone: 000000, the iPhone equivalent of using “password” or “12345.”

Computer security experts have spent so much time and energy trying to convince people to use better passcodes, that this was sure to raise heads, even overseas. Sure enough, just a few days after the Oval Office rendezvous, Swedish telecom company Telenor and creative agency Acne (known for its well-timed responses to cultural moments in campaigns it's created for Ikea) have created a site to help lazy tech users come up with their very own iPhone lock codes:

It’s a simple bit of coding that generates a random 6-digit number. That’s it. Because cybersecurity really is that easy, people.

The interface includes particular shades of red as an homage to the meeting (and the headwear) that inspired the site in the first place.