The New York Times’ “The Truth Is Worth It” has already garnered accolades across the industry circuit, and last year was the first campaign to earn both the Film and Film Craft honor at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. The campaign’s seamless, artful weaving of copy, sound and documentary footage and photos dramatically illustrates the painstaking and often dangerous path that Times journalists take to get to the truth, demonstrating the good reporting is with paying for. And pay for it they did. At the beginning of this year, Ad Age reported that the company announced a record 5 million subscriptions, having added 1 million net digital subscriptions in 2019. It also surpassed its goal of hitting $800 million in annual digital revenue ahead of schedule; in 2015 the Times had aimed to hit that amount by the end of 2020.
The New York Times' campaign is a creative masterwork that moved business
'The Truth Is Worth It' from Droga5 is the ROI: Work That Works Winner at Ad Age's 2020 Creativity Awards
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