One of the tweets seemed to out the hacker, claiming “this is @ymmac speaking.” That Twitter account had been suspended by late Friday. The tweets also tagged popular Fortnite streamer @KEEMSTAR, who has 2.6 million Twitter followers, and the Twitter accounts @Jiiiny and @BigGuyMessiah, each of which had also been suspended by Friday night.
By mid-day, the offending posts were taken down.
“We are aware that several of our brand Twitter accounts were hacked by an external source,” said Kraft Heinz spokeswoman Lynne Galia in an emailed statement. “We apologize for inappropriate content that was posted through our accounts that may have offended our fans. We’ve taken swift action to remove these posts and are investigating the situation with Twitter to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”
Kraft Heinz would not comment on whether any other brands were affected by the hack.
The @MrPeanut account has typically embraced a casual voice in the past that has made it a target of some followers. On Thursday, the account published a tweet that read: “To be or nut to be? That is the #ThursdayThought.” That prompted 78 comments, including a few making smutty references to the brand’s namesake.