Matt Cutler |
This behavior of viewers clicking away or dropping off is called viewer abandonment. In general, how common is this behavior? And how are your campaigns performing versus industry abandonment benchmarks?
To help you better understand viewer abandonment and its benchmarks, we looked at how viewers watched and ultimately abandoned more than 40 million unique video clips, which, in aggregate, have received nearly 7 billion views. We limited our research to short-form videos of less than 300 seconds (5 minutes) in duration.
Finding: Expect to lose 20% of your audience within the first 10 seconds of playback
Our research yielded some compelling findings, including surprisingly high levels of initial viewer abandonment. For instance, our sample showed that, on average, nearly 20% of the audience that starts watching a given video clip will abandon it within the first 10 seconds of playback. So if your online video campaign has 10 million viewers, 2 million of them saw less than 10 seconds of it. Ouch.