Every weekday, we bring you the Ad Age/iSpot Hot Spots, new and trending TV commercials tracked by iSpot.tv, a company that catalogs, tags and measures activity around TV ads in real time. The New Releases ran on TV for the first time yesterday. The Most Engaging ads are showing sustained social heat, ranked by SpotShare scores reflecting the percent of digital activity associated with each one over the past week. See the methodology here.
Among the new releases, Old Spice's Mandroid takes to the beach in a spot that Creativity previewed and made an Editor's Pick yesterday, while the Muppets sing a song of hospitality for Lipton. (Ad Age's Jack Neff has background on the "Be More Tea" campaign right here.) And if you've ever wondered why Mr. Sketch scented markers smell so good, well, we don't want to give too much away, but there's a flatulent blueberry involved.