Diverse buying gets better measurement
Investing in diverse-owned media was a frequent topic of conversation, and part of that was moving beyond good intentions toward better data to build the business case.
Mark Prince, senior VP of economic empowerment for Dentsu, said, “The days of just high mass reach and low CPM being the benchmark, and if you don’t fit into that category there wasn’t much room” are fading, in part, because some diverse-owned media can’t afford to pay for the measurement services. Finding other ways to measure impact are important, he said.
Related: How DE&I media investments may look in 2023
L’Oréal’s Reed also pointed out that simply hunting for the lowest CPMs would inevitably leave out diverse and other harder-to-reach audiences.
And Pritchard in an interview cited better measurement of the impact of using diverse-owned and targeted media as one thing P&G is looking for from agencies, and that he recognizes it might mean higher CPMs.
In his keynote speech, Pritchard cited several cases where using media that’s more “resonant” with minority audiences delivered a strong sales impact. Lumen Research analysis of P&G brand ads among Black, Hispanic and Asian-Pacific consumers “indicated a 41% increase in attention and a nearly two times increase in viewing time when relevant ads are in resonant media,” he said.
Measurement moves—or lack thereof
The ANA continues to develop cross-media measurement pilots with Comscore and VideoAmp—originally contracted in 2021. Discussions between the ANA and the Video Advertising Bureau representing TV-focused networks to jointly back a new household panel to help calibrate that effort and back multi-currency alternatives to Nielsen for the VAB continue after more than a year.
The panel is not expected to begin operation until next year. Bill Tucker, group VP at the ANA, pointed out that the pilot is premised on delivering measurement of unduplicated reach and frequency across TV and digital video, but not to develop a trading currency.
Related: Nielsen concerns prompt closed-door meeting
Kanishka Das, global e-business analytics and insights director for P&G, said 21 marketers are involved. “Marketers not only have skin in the game, but they’re paying for this process.” And he said marketers are “deeply engaged” in making progress.
Danielle DeLauro, exec VP of the VAB, on the panel noted that the recently established Joint Industry Council has a different mission in developing standards for streaming data sharing and among networks and measurement providers that could support multiple currencies.
Ford’s social campaign interrupted by ads for TV
Ford Motor Co. Global Head of Consumer Connections and Marketing Marla Skiko outlined her influencer-focused, all-social and digital campaign behind the launch of the Ford Maverick pickup, which is targeted to diverse, young, urban buyers. During her talk, display ads on the convention projection screen from local TV trade group TVB ironically noted that linear TV accounts for 80% of all time spent on “ad-supported platforms.”
Worth noting: A recent Nielsen Total Audience Report for the third quarter of 2022 shows linear accounted for only 65% of time spent with ad-supported TV and 49% of time spent with all ad-supported media among adults 18 and up.
Skiko said selling local dealers on the value of a campaign without TV can be challenging. “There is an audience group that, if they don’t see it on TV, it might not have happened,” she said. But she said Ford made inroads with dealers on the subject in part by emphasizing the spending efficiency that’s been necessitated by inventory shortages. “That probably helped quite a bit with the dealer conversation,” she said. “But it could change going forward.”