Rick Astley is about to Rickroll himself in the name of snacks.
The singer, whose hit “Never Gonna Give You Up” has launched countless memes, just shot a Frito-Lay campaign that will appear in the U.S. in early January.
Shot in mid-December, Astley did his work in front of a green screen in North London, while others working on the project were in the U.S.
Astley’s role—seemingly one only he could play—is to suggest that viewers never have to give up snacks such as Smartfood popcorn, SunChips, Off the Eaten Path veggie crisps, and the Baked and Simply versions of pantry mainstays such as Cheetos, Doritos and Lay’s. The “New Year New You” ad featuring Astley is set to debut on Jan. 4, just as people who have maybe consumed a few too many chips this year look to be a wee bit healthier in 2021. It’s the first national campaign for the better-for-you snacks. The Marketing Arm is the lead creative agency on the project.