Travelers : Independent Agent Finder

 spots in constant rotation on the telly, Travelers Insurance has now uploaded the interactive component of its "Insurance. In Synch." promotion. Thanks to the mapping technology of a little Mountain View, CA co

Published On
May 02, 2007
Independent Agent Finder

Editor's Pick

 spots in constant rotation on the telly, Travelers Insurance has now uploaded the interactive component of its "Insurance. In Synch." promotion. Thanks to the mapping technology of a little Mountain View, CA company named Google, Travelers has launched its "Independent Agent Finder" to help prospective customers throughout the U.S. locally fulfill their insurance needs. With umbrellas hovering over numerous major cities on a map, an amiable, attractive business type is there to guide you onscreen, with customized phrases to complement whichever city you click on. "With over 10,000 Travelers Independent Agents stretching across the
nation, creating a Google mash-up of their locations just seemed like a natural fit," says Ari Elkouby, interactive art director at Fallon, Travelers' agency of choice. "The combination of an intuitive search experience with the addition of a human element has made finding an insurance agent both simple
and rewarding." The Fallon folks also installed a tool that allows users to manually enter specific addresses to locate their indie agent. While it lacks the serendipitous zing of the TV work, Travelers' Agent Finder suitably syncs up with its traditional counterparts.