As if JJ Abrams wasn't enough of a sci-fi heartthrob already, having masterminded Lost, he's moving towards the geek Tiger Beat crown at the helm of this one. Speculation about the film is at the brushfire level as folks scramble to make sense of mysterious character Ethan Haas (was he right or wrong?) and decode puzzles related to some ancient mysticism flim-flam. The reality we'd like to believe at this point is the film will star none other than noble Lovecraftian destroyers the Cthulhu, wrecking havoc on mankind, but until we hear anything official we're jotting down clues in a special notebook.
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As if JJ Abrams wasn't enough of a sci-fi heartthrob already, having masterminded Lost, he's moving towards the geek Tiger Beat crown at the helm of this one. Speculation about the film is at the brushfire level as folks scramble to make sense of mysterious character Ethan Haas (was he right or wrong?) and decode puzzles related to some ancient mysticism flim-flam. The reality we'd like to believe at this point is the film will star none other than noble Lovecraftian destroyers the Cthulhu, wrecking havoc on mankind, but until we hear anything official we're jotting down clues in a special notebook.