Every weekday, we bring you the Ad Age/iSpot Hot Spots, new and trending TV commercials tracked by iSpot.tv, a company that catalogs, tags and measures activity around TV ads in real time. The New Releases here ran on TV for the first time yesterday. The Most Engaging ads are showing sustained social heat, ranked by SpotShare scores reflecting the percent of digital activity associated with each one over the past week. See the methodology here.
Among the new releases, Amazon shows off its Kindle Voyage with an origami-inspired animated spot that Creativity previewed and made an Editor's Pick. And Chili's promotes not only its new Lunch Double Burger but the fact that it's installed Ziosk touch-screen systems at its tables that let you pay when you're ready instead of having to wait for the check. (Read the backstory at The Atlantic: "Chili's Has Installed More Than 45,000 Tablets in Its Restaurants.")