Pretentious marketers got an enthusiastic drubbing in the form of “The Audacity in Advertising Awards” (below), a spoof “Saturday Night Live” show-within-the-show hosted by Jake from State Farm (played by “SNL” guest host Jonathan Majors) and Flo from Progressive (cast member Heidi Gardner) that appeared as a part of this past weekend’s episode.
Watch ‘SNL’ ridicule pretentious marketers in ‘Audacity in Advertising Awards’ spoof
At the start of the nearly five-minute segment, Flo cheerfully declared that the awards are “also known as the Pepsis”—a reference to a notorious attempt by the soft drink marketer to appear socially conscious. (See “Pepsi is pulling its widely mocked Kendall Jenner ad,” from Ad Age, April 5, 2017.)
Flo and Jake then served up clips of some of the nominees, including an untitled Facebook commercial in which a gay dad tearfully comes out to his son while using his Portal device, which may feel familiar to those who saw a Portal campaign released in June. Also briefly featured: a BP ad titled “Dolphin Covered in Oil, Thrashes in Pain, Kind Fisherman Comes and Wipes It Off” and a Sargento Cheese spot titled “Two Undocumented Lesbians Getting Prison Married.”
Bonus: The LiMu Emu and “his human friend” showed up to honor the Most Egregious Ad of the Year. (Spoiler: It’s an Amazon driver-recruitment spot.)