LG Remakes 'Damn, Daniel!' Using Its V20 Smartphone
Campaign Will Give New Life to Shaky Internet Clips
Editor's Pick
LG has "remastered" the viral "Damn, Daniel!" meme from earlier this year, as part of a campaign for its LG V20 smartphone that's all about giving iconic internet clips a glossy new look.
The first film, by the New York office of Dutch agency Superheroes, remakes the original shakily-filmed video, which featured a high school boy commenting on his buddy Daniel's fashion choices, with fresh audio and video recorded on the LG V20. The new film features the two original creators set to the soundtrack of a super-smooth '90s R&B group, who serenade the pair with a grand piano as they reenact the viral (a glossy-looking Daniel flashing a smile at passing ladies for good measure). It concludes with the line: "You may not be this smooth, but your next video will be."
Rob Zuurbier, partner and managing director of SuperHeroes New York, said in a statement: "What better way to pay tribute to the virals we love, than to remaster them with modern technology? Working with these Internet phenoms and their original content really shows how far smartphone videography has come, even in the past few years."
The campaign promises to remake two other big viral hits in the coming weeks ahead of the smartphone's U.S. launch on Oct. 10. All the films are directed by Richard Farmer at Move Films, with music production by Squeak E. Clean.
- Date
- Sep 22, 2016
- Brand :
- LG
- Client :
- LG
- Agency :
- SuperHeroes
- Managing Director/Partner :
- Rob Zuurbier
- Creative Strategist :
- SuperHeroes
- Production Company :
- Move Films
- Director :
- Richard Farmer
- Director, Photography :
- Michael Parry
- Executive Producer :
- Michael Abbott
- Producer :
- Michael Rodriguez
- Post Production Company :
- Therapy Studios
- Executive Producer :
- Joe DiSanto
- Producer :
- Margaret Ward
- Editor :
- Kristin McCasey
- Additional Editing :
- Jake Shaver
- Editing Assistant :
- Maureen Marchetti
- Animator :
- Dustin Bowser
- Animator :
- Anthony Maiuri
- Colorist :
- Robert Curreri
- Flame Artist :
- Rachel Moorer
- Flame Assistant :
- Teddy Wirtz
- Mixer :
- Jeff Fuller
- Mix Assistant :
- Brandon Kim
- Music Company :
- Squeak E. Clean Studios
- Creative Director :
- Rob Barbato
- Executive Producer :
- Amy Crilly
- Music Composer :
- Charles Rojas
- Client :
- Matthew Ward
- Client :
- Amanda Wilson
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