Washington Dept. of Health : No Stank You!

Hey teenagersdon't feel like seeing your social life go up in smoke? Just say "no stank you" to cigarettes. That's the message being touted by the Washington State Department of Health's newest ant

Published On
Sep 24, 2006
No Stank You!

Editor's Pick

Hey teenagersdon't feel like seeing your social life go up in smoke? Just say "no stank you" to cigarettes. That's the message being touted by the Washington State Department of Health's newest anti-tobacco campaign, courtesy of Seattle-based marketing consultancy Wongdoody. Image-conscious teens who visit NoStankYou.com (the online component created by Wongdoody's Los Angeles-based interactive division, United^Future) can check out a cool spin on the anti-smoking crusade in the form of "No Stank You NOW," a regularly updated vlog hosted by and starring kids their age. And to encourage teens to pass around something other than a pack of cigs, the website also features portable content in the form of code snippets that users can paste into their own blogs and websites, allowing them to share avatars, audio files, images and emoticons along with the "no stank you" message.